The bold
mining journey
A shaft construction excursion
On the sprawling site of the Nezhinsky mine in Lyuban, Belarus – about a two hour drive south of Minsk – Marcus Winterer climbs into a metal manrider. In the past two years it has taken him vertically underground on countless occasions. Winterer is one of the supervisors for two innovative Shaft Boring Roadheaders (SBR) from Herrenknecht. These two high-tech giants sank two shafts here in record time, 750 and 697 meters deep and 8 meters in diameter. As the 2,300kW hoist starts with a clear signal, Marcus Winterer descends into the depths at 8 meters per second.
„No doubt, this is pioneering technology!“
The willingness to innovate, work safety at the highest level and shining eyes. Five members of the Nezhinsky team report on a pioneering project.

Faster shaft sinking
in two years
Workshop acceptance in Schwanau
Launching Ceremony in Belarus
Depth of -100m reached
107m per month excavated in shaft 1
and 102m per month in shaft 2
Record: 144m per month excavated in shaft 1
Last kibble hoisted in shaft 2
SBR left shaft 2

The Herrenknecht Shaft Boring Roadheader (SBR) excavates shafts with large diameters (7 – 12 m) to great depths solely by mechanical means. It achieves high advance rates in soft to medium-hard rock. At the same time, the machine concept implements the highest standards in occupational safety. Learn more about the SBR technology.
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